Legal Notice
This legal notice of the Escapade website applies to all Internet users who visit the site. These legal notices may be modified at any time. If the Internet user uses the online booking service, he/she must take note of the general sales conditions.
Editorial manager: SARL Escapade.
SARL Escapade with a capital of 110 000 € RCS Valence 198b70157
SIREN : 400158168
APE : 5520 Z
TVA intracommunautaire : FR 91400158168
Head office: Rue de la Cour du Roi Dauphin 26170 Buis les Baronnies.
Tél : 04 90 36 52 20.
Professional liability insurance: GAN assurances : 111737661
8-10 Rue d’Astorg 75383 Paris Cedex 08.
Copyright and intellectual property: Any reproduction, modification, publication, transmission, total or partial denaturation of the site or its contents is prohibited, by any process or medium whatsoever.
Photo credit: Escapade, ADT 84, ADT19, ADT 26, ADT 17, OT Buis les Baronnies, OT Vaison la Romaine, Le studio de Vaison-la-Romaine, OT Meymac, OT Montendre , Aude tourisme, Stéphane Roy, Xavier Lauger, Rémi Roy, Pnr Millevaches en Limousin, Ventoux saveurs nature, CRT Limousin, CRT Paca, CRT Languedoc-Roussillon, CRT Poitou-Charente, Lucile Marcel Noé….
Privacy and personal data: In accordance with article 3 of the law “informatique et liberté” of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal data concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting Escapade. For any question or problem on the site, you can contact Escapade by e-mail.
Web agency: website development, writing, web design –
Web hosting: OVH.